4 Classification Introduction

  • Start: Monday, February 15
  • End: Friday, February 19

4.1 Summary

This week we will introduce our second machine learning task: classification. After introducing the task, we will see how to re-use methods we have already learned to perform the task. This week, we will focus on on nonparametric classification techniques, in particular KNN and decision trees.

  • Keywords: Classification, Bayes Classifier, Bayes Error, Nonparametric Classification, k-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Trees, Misclassification Rate, Accuracy

4.2 Learning Objectives

After completing this week, you are expected to be able to:

  • Differentiate between regression and classification tasks.
  • Estimate and calculate conditional probabilities.
  • Understand how conditional probabilities relate to classifications.
  • Use R packages and functions to fit KNN and decision tree models and make classification or estimate conditional probabilities.
  • Calculate classification metrics such as accuracy and misclassification rate.
  • Select models by manipulating their flexibility through the use of a tuning parameter.
  • Avoid overfitting by selecting an a model of appropriate flexibility through the use of a validation set.

4.4 Video

Title Link Mirror
4.1 - Welcome to Week 04 4.1 - YouTube 4.1 - ClassTranscribe
4.2 - Classification Introduction 4.2 - YouTube 4.2 - ClassTranscribe
4.3 - Nonparametric Classification 4.3 - YouTube 4.3 - ClassTranscribe
4.4 - Classification in R 4.4 - YouTube 4.4 - ClassTranscribe

4.5 Assignments

Assignment Deadline Credit
Quiz 02 Monday, February 22 85%
Quiz 03 Monday, February 22 100%
Quiz 04 Monday, February 22 105%

4.6 Office Hours

Staff and Link Day Time
Zoom with David Monday 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Zoom with Tianyi Monday 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Zoom with David Thursday 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Zoom with Tianyi Thursday 9:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Piazza Any! Any!